Pull the trigger: The difference between inspiration and desperation

3 min readFeb 6, 2021


Introverts and extroverts alike have to learn how to be executors of some action. That is to say, regardless of what you do in life, there has to be an action that either drives you forward, keeps you in the same place, or sets you back. I think that is the one lesson I have had repeated all my life. When I have gone for something, there have been few things that could keep me down from reaching for it, and that same tenacity also kept me stuck in a mudhole longer than any humane person would want to admit. That is why I have taken past inspirations from books like Ready, Fire, Aim because I have learned to be fearless in the midst of turmoil. Sadly, those kinds of books do not discuss such actions' repercussions, so I have had to live the real-life details of my actions.

In a world that can often seem cold and fruitless, there are areas of inspiration and desperation, and learning which one prompts positive action in your life is important. We cannot be so reactive in life that everything is an impulse because we will live as mad, cynical, and pathological survivalists. We cannot be so passive that nothing fazes us, and every wind in the world blows us in a different direction. That is how you wear away and wonder why life had little to no meaning. You were meant to have more backbone and initiative than to be a sail on someone’s ship.

I have dealt with thousands of people in my career, and the two trends that come up are sustained inspiration or collapsed desperation. People are either inspired to act or cornered and need to act before tragedy sets in. The distinction that sets those scenarios apart are self-care, purpose, meaningful goals, and initiative. There will be aspects of life that are very scary and will drive your adrenaline through the roof. It could be starting a new career or studying something new. You have to know that not everything that is started or aimed at will be hit, so pulling the trigger and acting on the attempt is part of the battle.

Learning to do it repeatedly is part of growth. I’ll give you an example; as I sit here writing this, I am sipping water because I have had the goal of waking up every morning by 6 am to get to my work and duties. Occasionally, I wake up easier and earlier, and sporadically, I might as well weight the back of my neck. However, once I get into my office, I know that I will start to settle in and get the ball moving again. Has the experience of waking up earlier been a process? It undeniably has, and as anyone who knows me well can tell you. I am not a morning person, and there is not enough coffee in the day to make me one. However, my dedication to my work and the people I serve has caused me to push myself. I know that being proactive is better than being reactive, and even if it pushes me out of my natural tendencies for a few days, that it is worth it.

What are you abstaining from being, doing, or pulling the trigger on? It is a valuable question that I have sought to ask myself every day, and one that helps my clients do the same. If you found this valuable, please let me know.

I look forward to posting again soon.





A man who is learning all he can about the human and technological conditions of the world, so he can help others find their way.