PinnedControlled DrowningDuring the last years of college, there were some classes that needed to be taken to graduate with my minor in physical education. Two that…Nov 15, 2023Nov 15, 2023
PinnedLessons ignored will be repeated with loan shark interestIt has been a while since I wrote up anything of any value to anyone, and that is with good reason. As with many iterations of my said…Sep 3, 2023Sep 3, 2023
Starting FreshSometimes in the many facets of life, you need to begin fresh with things. This means making more space by reducing what is not useful…3d ago3d ago
Evil Doesn’t Sleep Even On HolidaysRead for Free: 29, 2024Nov 29, 2024
Silence allows me to embrace the pain of loss and focus on the things I can influenceTalking to someone this week reminded me that even when we're at our limit, God is still working with us, even if the story looks like it…Nov 26, 2024Nov 26, 2024
The thunderstorms in the mind of the neurodiversityThought clouds were once something that was thought to be only in animations or in cartoons. Thanks to increased awareness and presence of…Nov 25, 2024Nov 25, 2024
Discarding the outgrown aspects of lifeThis will be an atypical entry for me because it's something that I will write about more on the fly than normal. Have you ever found that…Nov 21, 2024Nov 21, 2024
The over-connected roundaboutIt has been a while since I sat down to write some ideas on this page. This has been mainly due to the tug and pull from both work and life…Nov 18, 2024Nov 18, 2024
The lies we tell ourselves — follow the breadcrumbs for answersPeople are masters of lieing to themselves and justifying why they do it. -Philip McKernanSep 11, 2023Sep 11, 2023